INFUSIONS are herbal preparations usually referred to as a "tea". Infusions are needed when using soft plant parts, such as leaves, soft stems or flowers. When preparing and infusion using an aromatic herb use a pot with a sealed lid so that you don't loose much of the natural oils in evaporation.
DECOCTIONS are similar to infusions, but are needed when using hard or woody herbal mixtures such as bark, roots, wood, nuts and seeds. These herbs need more heat to release their oils. If your recipe calls for soft herbs as well as hard herbs, prepare the two separately as a decoction and infusion , and mix after the decoction is processed. Like this the most sensitive herbs will no be lost to heat or evaporation. To make a decoction use 1 teaspoon of herbal mixture per cup of water into a pot or saucepan. Add the water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
Moon teaThis balancing blend is a combination of Hibiscus, Mugwort and Passionflower. It is refreshing, releasing and soothing.
To make an infusion use a pot and add 1-2 teaspoons of herbal mixture per cup of tea, add boiling water and let steep for 10-15 minutes. Infusions made with hot water will extract the mineral content, if you wish to extract vitamins do a cold water infusion. You can leave it overnight and drink it in the morning! We consider teas to be a wonderful and simple way of accessing to the medicine of the plants, we care about sharing this ancient knowledge and only use organic herbs in our blends. Find the tea HERE Read about the plants... |
Cosy TeaLet the plants sing you a lullaby with this powerful combination of Passionflower and Chamomile. This blend has been made to ease you out from a heavy day at work.
To make an infusion use a pot and add 1-2 teaspoons of herbal mixture per cup of tea, add boiling water and let steep for 10-15 minutes. Infusions made with hot water will extract the mineral content, if you wish to extract vitamins do a cold water infusion, this can be done overnight. We consider teas to be a wonderful and simple way of accessing to the medicine of the plants, we care about sharing this ancient knowledge and only use organic herbs in our blends. Find the tea HERE Read about the plants... |
Heart BlendTry the heart opening properties of cacao mixed with the rooting maca. This blend will make your heart warm up. The sensory stimulating pair are enhanced by adding a pinch of Cayenne pepper and Cinnamon to your cup.
This hot drink is a simple way of accessing to the medicine of the plants, we care about sharing this ancient knowledge and only use organic herbs in our blends. Find Heart Blend HERE Read about the plants... |