Bixa orellana is a plant native to Brazil but grows in other regions of South and Central America. It is grown in tropical countries such as Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Kenya, and East Africa.
Annatto oil is an emollient, and its high carotenoid content provides antioxidant benefits on body care products. It offers protection from ultraviolet rays of sunlight, thereby protecting the skin from excessive sunburn.
Annatto used in food dye, body paint, treatment for heart burn and stomach distress, sunscreen and insect repellent. The main actions of annatto colour are it kills bacteria, parasites, germs, increases urination, stimulates digestion, lowers blood pressure, mildly laxative, and protects liver. The other actions of annatto colour includes it reduces inflammation, cough, Cleanses blood, soothes membrane, reduces fever, blood sugar, heals wounds.
Annatto oil is an emollient, and its high carotenoid content provides antioxidant benefits on body care products. It offers protection from ultraviolet rays of sunlight, thereby protecting the skin from excessive sunburn.
Annatto used in food dye, body paint, treatment for heart burn and stomach distress, sunscreen and insect repellent. The main actions of annatto colour are it kills bacteria, parasites, germs, increases urination, stimulates digestion, lowers blood pressure, mildly laxative, and protects liver. The other actions of annatto colour includes it reduces inflammation, cough, Cleanses blood, soothes membrane, reduces fever, blood sugar, heals wounds.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391